10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416
  • NY845-351-4700
  • NJ973-827-8179
  • PA845-351-4701

Springtime Is The Best Time To Service Your Air Conditioning System

Posted On: March 10, 2016

Spring has almost sprung, bringing its flowers, budding leaves on the trees, and warmer temperatures. One way to be sure you are ready for those even warmer days of summer is to schedule a spring tune-up for your air conditioner.

Top Reasons For A Spring Air Conditioner Checkup

contractor performing an ac tuneupAC repair repair experts in  Orangeburg, NY recommend that every air conditioner system should be inspected once a year. Scheduling a check-up in the spring means you will be ready when the time comes that you will be counting on the system to run consistently.

Spring can act as a reminder, and it is a good time to make an appointment with your air conditioning specialist and beat the summer rush. Summertime is when they typically are booked to service those who did not get spring maintenance and are now sweating out a more costly repair job.

A check in the spring will help ensure your air conditioner is in condition to start up. It most likely has been sitting idle for months and could use a jump start, which includes getting rid of the dust and debris that may have built up on important parts.

In addition to reducing the chance that your unit will suffer a breakdown once it is called back into service, getting a tune-up can improve its operating efficiency. Cleaning the critical mechanical parts of the unit quite often will result in lower energy bills throughout the summer months. Regular maintenance also can help lengthen the working life of your air conditioner, saving you the cost of replacement for a few more seasons.

Schedule an AC Tune Up

What is Involved in a Spring Tune-up?

Given the fact that spring maintenance can be such a good investment and can ensure your system will operate safely, the next step is to schedule a time for a qualified technician to come to your home. On arrival, they should be prepared to perform a number of tune-up procedures that typically are part of a maintenance call.

First and of primary importance, the technician should thoroughly clean the condenser coils and inspect them for damage. This reduces wear and tear on your air conditioner and will help increase its operating efficiency. They should lubricate all the moving parts and evaluate the coolant level, calibrate the thermostat to ensure you are setting the right temperature, and tighten the electrical connections. They also will want to make sure there are no coolant leaks, which are detrimental not just to your indoor comfort but also to the outdoor environment.

Most air conditioning technicians will perform an inspection of the duct work to make sure you are not losing cool air through leaks. Some also will offer to clean the ducts to improve your indoor air quality and cut down on the spread of dust, pollen, and other allergens.

sun and snowflake graphicOther maintenance procedures include draining and cleaning the condensate line and making sure the drain pan is mold-free, changing the filters, and checking the performance of the unit’s blower motor and making sure the blower belt is in good operating condition.

Depending on the technician, the tune-up process can involve more than two dozen checks and improvements. Your assignment is to find an air conditioning expert you can trust to do a thorough job.

There are many benefits to having your air conditioner tuned-up in the springtime. Not only will it improve your air quality but it also will save you money in the long run. We offer air conditiong repair in Orangeburg NY and the rest of Rockland County. When you are ready for an AC service,  contact SOS XTREME Comfort® or, give us a call at 845-351-4700. We specialize in HVAC equipment of all types and models.

Our Affiliations
10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416