10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416
  • NY845-351-4700
  • NJ973-827-8179
  • PA845-351-4701

Water Heater Replacement in NY & PA

Having a reliable hot water heater in your home is just as important, if not even more so, as having access to electricity or an effective heating system. So, when yours starts to fall behind or underperform, you want a replacement service that can match your needs and provide an installation that is second to none. With SOS Xtreme Comfort on your side, you’re guaranteed that—and even more.

Our service team has been meeting the home comfort needs of New York and Pennsylvania home and business owners since 1934. We’ve built our business upon offering superior products, customer-focused service, and solutions that can stay within your budget while getting the job done on time.

If you’re interested in our water heater services, feel free to contact us online any time, or you can call our Pennsylvania number at 845-351-4701. You can also reach our Tuxedo Park, NY office at 845-351-4700.

Signs That You Need to Replace Your Water Heater

Getting a replacement in a timely manner can help you to avoid the stress of a complete system failure. Plus, in the long run, you might even save some money too! For these reasons, it’s important to understand the common signs of a failing hot water heater, which include:

  • Loud rumbling and popping. These sounds indicate a buildup of sediment, which can often be addressed by a repair or maintenance service. However, if this becomes a commonplace issue, it’s a sign that your hot water heater might be on its last legs.
  • Metallic taste in water. A metallic or strange taste in your water can tell you that the tank’s lining and internal components are breaking down. Be sure to contact your water supply to ensure there’s nothing odd on their end before you consider a replacement.
  • Frequent repairs. A single repair service is fine—even two if they’re spaced out over time. But costs can mount very quickly, so if you need an annual repair service, then replacement is the wiser option.
  • Inefficiency. If your hot water heater can’t ever seem to meet your daily needs, there’s no point in keeping it around. Replace it today to get a system you can rely on.
  • Age. Most hot water heaters begin to fail or fall behind at or around ten years. If yours is a decade old or older, be sure to keep up to date with maintenance. It’s a good idea to get inspections routinely so you can know when to replace.

Water Heater Replacement Services

At SOS Xtreme Comfort, we offer hot water heater products from trusted names. When you call on our team for a replacement service, we’ll assess your current system and take your unique needs into account in order to set you up with the ideal system replacement. Afterward, our installation team can ensure your system is optimized for performance and efficiency.

Water Heater Replacement in NY & PA

To us, there is nothing more vital than providing clients with certainty. We want you to get services you can trust, pricing you can be comfortable with, and a system that is going to serve your home well for years to come. We put all of our knowledge, tools, and certifications to work for you—offering products and services that are unmatched in NY and PA.

If you’re interested in our water heater services, feel free to contact us online any time, or you can call our Pennsylvania number at 845-351-4701. You can also reach our Tuxedo Park, NY office at 845-351-4700

Our Affiliations
10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416