10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416
  • NY845-351-4700
  • NJ973-827-8179
  • PA845-351-4701

Air Conditioning & Heat Pump Savings Plan

SOS Xtreme VIP Priority ServiceExpect the Unexpected
As a homeowner, you live life knowing that it’s your responsibility to handle malfunctioning home heating and cooling equipment. Take your HVAC system for example. No one wants to sweat it out waiting for a repair or replacement of an Air Conditioning system. 

Our comprehensive Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Savings Plan can help alleviate issues with our thorough Annual tune-up and safety inspection. 

If a problem should arise, being an SOS service plan member launches us into immediate action with our VIP Priority Service.

We offer these great benefits to customers enrolled in our A/C and Heat Pump Savings Plan:

black central air unit

  • VIP priority service – First in line at all times, you’ll get access to our certified experts any time you need us.
  • 10% off trip charge – Instant savings on getting our technician to your door.
  • 10% off repairs – Service plan members receive 10% off of repair service.
  • Free annual tune-up – Plan holders receive a comprehensive 14-point on-time tune-up.
  • 5% off new AC or heat pump installation – If it comes time for a new air conditioning system, we’ll take 5% off for your installation service.

Download AC & Heat Pump Savings Plan

Additional Coverage

Call for pricing on coverage for:

If you’re interested in our heat pump or air conditioning services, feel free to contact us online any time, or you can call our Pennsylvania number at 845-351-4701. You can also reach our Tuxedo Park, NY office at 845-351-4700 or our Franklin, NJ office at 973-827-8179.

Our Affiliations
10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416