How Your AC System Can Help Your Allergies
Your home is supposed to be a sanctuary from all the noise and troubles of the world. There are many things that a home can shield you from, like allergies, if you have a good HVAC system. Most people only think about the comfort an HVAC system provides, but it can do much more.
Springtime is such a beautiful time of year but unfortunately, for many, it is also a difficult time of year. Allergies can be extremely bothersome and create respiratory issues. This article will discuss how your AC will help you get through the allergy season that is so prominent in Alpine, NJ and how something as simple as an AC service can really make a difference.
AC Services in Alpine NJ : Indoor Air Quality
One of the things that a good HVAC system is supposed to do is keep allergens from coming in. You may experience some of the following if your HVAC system is not running as it should:
- Unexplained coughing that comes and goes
- Sneezing or ‘sneeze attacks,’ which are bursts of unexplained sneezes
- Some may experience watery eyes
- There is a chance that fatigue might set it or lack of energy throughout the day, which you might only experience at home
- The lack of energy could lead to dizzy spells
- You could start to have unexplained headaches
- Upper respiratory congestion or even asthma
These are just some of the symptoms associated with bad indoor air quality.
How Can A Good Air Conditioner Keep Out Allergens?
There are several things that a good HVAC can do to keep your home as allergen-free as possible. The first, of course, is by using the correct air filter.
Air filters are designed to keep particles and debris from entering your home. There are different ratings that tell you how many allergens can be kept out. The rating is referred to as MERV or Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. The numbers go from 1 through 16, but most AC specialists recommend anything from 8 to 12 for homes.
15 and 16 are for people who know they have severe air quality sensibilities or allergies. You have to talk to your AC specialist to see if your HVAC system can handle a high-efficient air filter like MERV 15 or 16.
Allergens could be anything from pet dander, dust mites, dust, vehicle pollution, pollen, and insect droppings, just to name a few things.
Keep in mind that filters need to be checked at least monthly and should definitely be replaced every three months. Of course, they should be changed more often during spring or if you know the area you live in has a lot of debris in the air.
Another important step in making sure the indoor air quality of your home is good is to have your air ducts inspected. The filters that you use are meant to keep particles and debris out of your home. But poor maintenance, or failing to change your filters often, could lead to air duct contamination.
Air duct contamination could also occur due to mold, which loves to grow in dark and moisturized regions, like your air ducts. The last thing you want is mold spores getting into your home, so make sure that your AC specialist cleans your air ducts at least twice a year.
There is more that a good HVAC can do to keep your home free of allergens; just ask a specialist.
When you need an air conditioner specialist, be sure to contact SOS XTREME Comfort®. We are your air conditioning experts. Furthermore, sometimes getting something as simple as air conditioner maintenance can really make a huge difference when it comes to your allergies. Many claim that they do not have to take their allergy medicine when at home due to the relief that their HVAC system has to offer. When you have any questions on your air conditioning unit or need air conditioning repair, contact SOS XTREME Comfort® or, give us a call at 973-827-8179. We specialize in the installation and maintenance of all air conditioning units in Alpine as well as areas in Bergen, Passaic and Sussex counties in NJ.