10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416
  • NY845-351-4700
  • NJ973-827-8179
  • PA845-351-4701

When Should You Order More Home Heating Oil or Fuel?

If your home’s heating system relies on heating oil, you know how important it is to keep your fuel tank full. Ordering heating oil or scheduling a home delivery, however, can be overwhelming, especially when faced with unpredictable winter weather. Below is our guide to ordering heating oil and keeping your home’s heating system running reliably for a comfortable home all winter long.

Ordering Heating Oil Before You Run Out

The first critical aspect of determining when to order heating oil is ensuring you never run out of heating oil. Otherwise, you risk being without heat when you need it most. The best practice is to place an order for heating oil when your tank has only a quarter left. Most tanks hold about 275 gallons, making a quarter tank about 70 gallons. Most households use about 4 gallons a day in the winter months, so ordering at this point gives you a safety net should your delivery get delayed due to weather conditions or other issues.

SOS Xtreme propane delivery truck

Automated Heating Oil Delivery

Some oil delivery companies like SOS Xtreme Comfort also offer automatic heating oil delivery. This service allows our team to monitor your oil level and schedule a delivery automatically without you having to remember to call and order. Not only does this eliminate one more thing off your to-do list, but it ensures you’ll never be without heating oil when you need it most.

Get the Best Price for Your Heating Oil Delivery

The other important aspect of scheduling a heating oil delivery is ensuring you’re getting the best price. As temperatures drop and demand goes up, prices often increase. Fortunately, SOS Xtreme Comfort offers Price Cap Protection as a type of “price insurance.” This allows you to budget for your heating needs no matter what the winter weather brings.

Tips for Heating Oil Delivery

Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures can make winter deliveries challenging. Below are some tips for ensuring a seamless delivery of your home’s heating oil:

  • Make sure your address is easily visible from the road.
  • If your fuel tank is fenced, make sure your gate is unlocked and accessible.
  • Ensure pets are safely secured.
  • Clear a path to the tank so the person delivering the oil has easy and direct access.
  • Remove ice and snow from your driveway and paths.

Choose SOS Xtreme Comfort for Heating Oil Delivery

Family-owned since 1934, SOS Xtreme Comfort is here for all your heating oil delivery needs. We offer automatic delivery and 24/7 emergency service for no-heat breakdowns. We offer ultra-clean heating oil as well as high-performance detergents and ant gel additives.

For reliable heating oil delivery, call SOS Xtreme Comfort today. You can reach us at:

  • NJ at 973-827-8179
  • PA: 845-351-4701
  • NY: 845-351-4700
Our Affiliations
10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416