10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416
  • NY845-351-4700
  • NJ973-827-8179
  • PA845-351-4701

Winter Energy Bill Savers

Posted On: January 8, 2016

mini house with a red hat and scarf wrapped around itJeanette Pavinni, two time Emmy Award-winner and consumer savings expert, has been providing consumers with real-world money-saving tips for over a decade. Jeanette’s consumer savings tips have been featured on The Today Show, ABC Now, Oprah.com, NY Daily News, USA Today and more.

According to Jeanette, dropping temperatures don’t have to mean higher heating bills. Here are some simple steps to help you save money on your energy bills this winter.

Snuggle Up – grab an extra blanket and lower the thermostat when you go to bed. Lowering the temperature by 10 to 15 degrees while you sleep can save you from 5 to 15 percent a year on your heating bill.

Wind Up – if you have ceiling fans, you want to be sure that they are set to spin clockwise on a low setting when your heat is running. This creates an updraft that takes the rising warm air and circulates it throughout the room. Most fans have a switch that controls the direction that the blades spin.

Seal Up – there’s a simple test that you can do to see if your windows and doors are letting your heat escape. Close your outside doors and windows on a piece of paper; if you can pull the paper through without tearing it, then you probably need weather stripping.

Light Up – Switching to LED bulbs is an energy saver; incandescent wattage is 80-90% more than LED wattage making the cost to power an incandescent bulb up to 90 times greater than powering an LED. This is true for holiday lighting as well. Experts estimate that it costs only 27 to 82 cents to light a 6 foot tree, 12 hours a day for 40 days. To encourage the switch, some stores offer trade-in discounts when your trade in your old holiday incandescent light sets.

For even greater energy savings we can perform an assessment of your home and its comfort systems to help make sure you are getting the most for you energy dollar. Click here for additional information or call us at 845-351-4700.

Our Affiliations
10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416