10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416
  • NY845-351-4700
  • NJ973-827-8179
  • PA845-351-4701

You Never Know What Winter Has in Store

Posted On: September 21, 2015

warming up in fornt of a fireplaceWe have been hearing a lot of discussion about what this winter will bring. The Old Farmer’s Almanac is once again predicting above-normal snow and below-normal temperatures for the northeast. In sharp contrast, many meteorologists are looking at the impact of El Nino, a cyclical global weather pattern that’s present now. El Nino generally results in a mild winter for the northern U.S. So how should we get ready?

“Expect the unexpected” is a motto that we like to follow when it comes to weather. Regardless of the predictions, we will be prepared for the worst and we suggest that you take precautions as well. Whether it’s stocking up on bottled water and batteries, making sure you have enough fuel for your backup generator or getting your heating system tuned up so your furnace or boiler can make it through another winter without breaking down, we urge you to be prepared.

In addition to taking care of your heating equipment, there are some additional ways to keep your home comfortable and lower your energy costs. Talk with us about our heating oil and propane budget plans, our new All Access Coverage Plan and automatic delivery.

When the weather forecast really looks bad, we make sure we have extra technicians and service representatives to help handle all emergency calls as soon as possible. And at our newly built, state-of-the-art fuel terminal, we always have plenty of winter fuel in store for you—whether it’s heating oil or propane.

So as the weather keeps getting cooler, remember that we are here for you, with the resources and experience to take care you – no matter which winter prediction turns out to be true.

Our Affiliations
10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416