10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416
  • NY845-351-4700
  • NJ973-827-8179
  • PA845-351-4701

Propane Storage Tanks for Residential & Commercial Use

Propane Gas Tank near house

Propane storage tanks are vital for residential home comfort and high-demand commercial environments. From stovetop cooking at home to powering large industrial spaces, having propane on reserve in a properly installed and safe tank is paramount. Trust the team of OSHA-trained propane experts at SOS Xtreme Comfort for your NY, NJ, and PA home or business.

We specialize in propane tank services and installation, offering upfront pricing, 24/7 emergency service, and the highest quality products. With our own 180,000-gallon oil and diesel fuel storage facility, we can handle any propane upgrades and installations. If you’re not enjoying high-efficiency propane on demand from your tank, appliances, or equipment, it’s time to call in our pros!

Schedule service with SOS Xtreme Comfort, and we’ll help you choose the best-fit propane storage tank for your needs.

Types of Propane Storage Tanks We Install

SOS Xtreme propane filling station

SOS Xtreme Comfort can service and install propane storage tanks of all types and sizes. Whether you need residential or commercial propane service, trust us to help you with tank replacements of both:

Above-ground propane tank features and benefits include:

  • Durable construction with corrosion-resistant coatings
  • A variety of sizes ranging from 120 to 1,000 gallons
  • Visible fuel gauges to monitor propane levels
  • Easy access for refills and better portability than underground tanks
  • Cost-effective and quicker to install than underground tanks

Underground propane tank features and benefits include:

  • Durable with special corrosion-resistant coatings to prevent underground rust
  • A variety of sizes ranging from 250 to 1,000 gallons
  • Equipped with safety mechanisms and pressure release valves
  • Discreet placement for improved property aesthetics and saving space
  • Improved temperature stability potentially extending the tank’s lifespan

What Size Propane Tank Do You Need?

propane storage tanks

Choose the right size propane tank based on the type of use and needs you have. For example, residential propane tanks are smaller and great for water heaters, furnace operation, and cooking. Commercial propane tanks are larger, ideal for fueling more expansive industrial processes and heating large spaces. Explore these common tank sizes and applications to help determine what size propane tank you might need:

  • 120- to 150-gallon tanks: Best for residential heating, hot water, and small appliances, with low to moderate propane use.
  • 500- to 1,000-gallon tanks: Common for large residential, farm, or small commercial use with high propane demand.
  • 2,000-gallon tanks: Ideal for large industrial facilities and agricultural operations with ongoing and high propane demand.

SOS Xtreme Comfort proudly offers a host of propane storage tank sizes, ranging from 60 gallons to 1,000 gallons and 100 pounds to 420 pounds. Let us help you determine the right size based on your usage, space, and budget.

Schedule service with SOS Xtreme Comfort, and we’ll help you choose the best-fit propane storage tank for your needs.

Signs You Need a New Propane Storage Tank

Propane storage tanks don’t last forever. Keeping them in optimum condition means scheduling regular maintenance and quickly repairing components as needed. Schedule propane tank repair if you suspect a leak or visibly see corrosion. Additionally, be mindful of these signs that suggest it’s time to replace your propane storage tank:

  • Furnace pilot lights won’t stay lit
  • Appliance flames don’t appear blue
  • Propane odors are prominent around the tank
  • Rust is visible on the propane tank

Why Choose Us?

When it comes to both residential and commercial propane services, trust the team of experienced technicians who value excellence, honesty, and professionalism. See why so many call SOS Xtreme Comfort for propane storage tank repairs, recommended maintenance, and tank replacements and for help in choosing the right propane storage tank for their needs. We’re committed to safety and reliability so you enjoy peace of mind.

Choose SOS Xtreme Comfort and schedule propane tank service with the best!

Our Affiliations
10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416