Be Prepared when Severe Weather Hits
If you’ve ever dealt with the trouble of having your power go out, only to find your generator fails as well, you know the value of being covered by a service plan.
Buying a backup generator to keep the power on during any outages is a smart decision. Adding an SOS Generator Service Plan is an even smarter decision.
Check out these great benefits to customers enrolled in our Generator Savings Plan:
- VIP priority service – First in line at all times, you’ll get access to our certified experts any time you need us.
- 10% off trip charge – Instant savings on getting our technician to your door.
- 10% off repairs – Service plan members receive 10% off of repair service.
- Free annual tune-up – Plan holders receive a comprehensive 14-point on-time tune-up.
- 5% off a new Generator installation – If it comes time for a new Generator, we’ll take 5% off for your installation service.
Download Generator Savings Plan
Additional Coverage
Call for pricing on coverage for:
- Additional Generator Equipment
- Air conditioning systems or heat pumps
- Heating Oil Equipment
- Propane & Natural Gas Equipment
- Water Heaters
If you’re interested in our heating or air conditioning services, feel free to contact us online any time.