10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416
  • NY845-351-4700
  • NJ973-827-8179
  • PA845-351-4701

Back-to-School Essential Keeps Delivering all Year

Posted On: August 20, 2018

Time flies when you’re a parent. Is it already a year since your last back-to-school shopping time?

At least some parenting purchases have more staying power than a new backpack. Take smart home security powered by Alarm.com, a back-to-school essential for many working families with older children.

With an array of after-school safeguards for your kids, it delivers peace of mind throughout the school year, and for years to come. Your kids can even grow into it as they become more independent—which is more than we can say for their new sneakers.

Fewer Keys means Fewer Worries

yale keypad digital lock

As soon as your kids are old enough to arrive home on their own, SOS Smart Home starts making things easier with keyless smart locks and user codes for easy access.

Unlike keys, user codes can’t be dropped, lost on the bus, or left in the door. If forgotten, its owner can ring the doorbell camera and you can unlock the door from work. Like a set of keys, however, your child’s first user code can still confer a sense of responsibility that they’ll love.

Technology Makes Check-Ins Less Challenging

alarm notification on a smart phone

With every school year, your kids grow a little more independent. Meanwhile, you worry just as much as you ever did, and you need to know they’re okay after school.

Your SOS Smart Home app is here to help, offering peace of mind via quick, visual check-ins. You can see a quick snapshot from any Image Sensor, view a live feed from your indoor or outdoor cameras, and even get front-door video clips of your kids arriving home.

If you prefer a hands-off approach, we also offers a range of custom alerts for specific activity and events, such as the kids not arriving home on time, or even the videogame cabinet being open for too long.

Smart Reminders Ensure Your House Stays Secure

alarm notification on a smart phone

As kids get older, they have more going on, which means they forget things. Unfortunately, this often includes securing the house when they’re last to leave.

SOS Smart Home can help with actionable smartphone reminders. Once your teens have their own Alarm.com app, your house can remind them directly if a door isn’t locked, or the garage is open, or the security system isn’t armed when it should be. They’ll be able to fix things quickly with a remote command.

As Kids Grow, SOS Smart Home Keeps Up

alarm notification on an ipad

Unlike this month’s back-to-school buys, SOS Smart Home keeps up with your family as you grow. When it’s time to add a new device like a doorbell camera or smart lock, we’re here to help. We also deliver new features and updates digitally through the cloud, keeping your Alarm.com-powered home at the cutting edge of smart home technology.

For a FREE in-home estimate click here.

Our Affiliations
10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416