10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416
  • NY845-351-4700
  • NJ973-827-8179
  • PA845-351-4701

Meet the SOS Smart Thermostat!

Posted On: February 8, 2018

Saving energy at home should be simple. With SOS’s new Smart Thermostat, it is.
The new thermostat lets you save energy simply, with no guesswork, complexity or inconvenience necessary. In fact, you’ll barely notice… except when it comes to your power bill.

Fully integrated into your Smart Home Security system, it can do more than other smart thermostats. That’s because it has more information about what’s going on inside and outside your home, enabling it to take smarter actions that give you the perfect balance of energy savings and comfort.

sos xtreme thermostat

It Learns from All The Triggers In Your Security System

While standalone thermostats use a single motion detector to ‘learn’ your ideal heating and cooling schedule, ours has access to every sensor in your security system. Instead of guessing what’s happening based on a single room, it takes real cues from your security panel, the motion sensors throughout your house, your door and window sensors and more.

It Cares About Which Room You’re In

Using wireless temperature sensors, our Smart Thermostat delivers precision comfort to the rooms where you spend your time. Simply place these tiny devices around your home, and optimize your home’s temperature for comfort in specific rooms. Create a multi-sensor schedule for precision comfort throughout the day, or average your overall temperature between different sensors.

It Reacts to Your Location in Real-Time

Learning isn’t everything. After all, your own schedule changes from day to day. Our smart thermostat reacts by using real-time data to adapt quickly to changes in your routine. One example is Geo-Services. If you’re on your way home early, for example, our location automation feature will set the thermostat forward out of ‘savings mode’ to cool your house to the perfect temperature.

It Saves as Soon As You Leave Home

Our Smart Thermostat knows right away when you leave home, thanks to your security panel’s status and Geo-Services. While standalone thermostats are still wondering why there’s no motion in their room any more, ours is setting back to an energy-saving temperature before you’re even in the car.

It Saves When You Open A Window

A big cause of wasted energy is running your AC with an outside door or window open – a problem that standalone thermostats can’t address. Our thermostat knows if you’re ‘cooling the neighborhood’ thanks to your door or window sensors, and will set back automatically to save energy until you close the door.

It Even Knows What’s Happening Outside

With access to real-time weather data, our Smart Thermostat can even adjust automatically on extremely hot or cold days to take an additional bite out of your energy bills. It’s also compatible with ‘demand response’ programs from utility companies, making you eligible for reduced rates if your electric company offers them.

It Protects You From Smoke And CO2

Because it’s connected to your security system, our thermostat can even help safeguard you from environmental threats like smoke and carbon monoxide.In the event of your connected smoke / CO sensor detecting either hazard, our thermostat instantly shuts your HVAC down, minimizing the chance of toxic gas or damaging smoke circulating through your home.

It’s Completely Integrated with Your Smart Home

Our Smart Thermostat is the first thermostat built specifically for the Smart Home. It’s integrated fully into the Alarm.com smartphone app, letting you control your temperature alongside your security panel, lights, locks, garage door and more. Behind the scenes, the Alarm.com platform – a cloud technology connecting millions of homes – enables intelligent savings, new feature updates and security-grade reliability.

Interested in an SOS Smart Thermostat?

Click here to connect with our SOS smart home expert.

Our Affiliations
10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416