10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416
  • NY845-351-4700
  • NJ973-827-8179
  • PA845-351-4701

The New & Improved SOS Xtreme Comfort

Posted On: September 22, 2017

Have you noticed anything different on our website, Facebook page, or Google+ profile? If not, we’ll help you out—we updated our company logo! We are excited to roll out this new branding to align with our ongoing efforts to serve our customers more efficiently in southern New York, northern New Jersey, and northeastern Pennsylvania! Also, you might have once known us as SOS Fuels, but our official company name is now SOS Xtreme Comfort. We would like to take a moment to thank all of our loyal customers who have made us their HVAC, propane, heating oil, and commercial diesel and gasoline provider since we started our company back in 1934.

sos xtreme logo

SOS Xtreme Comfort Services

Although our name and logo have changed throughout the years, our commitment to quality service and complete customer satisfaction has not. We built our company with the belief that honesty should always trump making a sale, our services should be reliable, thorough, and professional at all times, and we will deliver on the promises we’ve made. Our top priority is making our customers lives easier and more comfortable—hence the “Xtreme Comfort” part of our updated company name.

While we are located in Tuxedo Park, New York, and Milford, Pennsylvania, we offer the following services throughout areas of southern New York, northern New Jersey, and Pike County, Pennsylvania:

Choose SOS Xtreme Comfort in Tuxedo Park & Milford

When it comes to our team of professionals, you can always expect high quality service, dependable products, and friendly customer service. No matter how many times we may update our logo, our core values will never change. SOS Xtreme Comfort is a company you can trust for your commercial and residential HVAC needs—no matter how complicated or simple they may seem. The same goes for commercial and residential propane, diesel, gasoline, and heating oil services. When you are looking for professional technicians to get the job done right the first time, choose SOS Xtreme Comfort.

If you have any additional questions about SOS Xtreme Comfort or the services we offer, you can call our Tuxedo Park, NY office at 845-351-4700, or our Milford, PA office at 845-351-4701. You can also contact us online now!  

Our Affiliations
10 East Village Road Tuxedo NY, 10987 | 17 Park Drive Franklin NJ, 07416